Infinity Quest: Chapter 2

praveen kumar a.x.
3 min readAug 4, 2024


Side Hustle

The night settled heavily over the camp as the adventurers tended to their injuries. Santa’s face bore the worst of it, the burn from the dragonborn’s fiery breath etched into his skin. Draco worked diligently, applying a salve of healing herbs and murmuring incantations, yet the scars would require more potent magic to heal completely.

As the stars twinkled above, the prisoner — a dragonborn with a defiant gleam in his eye — made a desperate bid for freedom. His chains clinked softly as he attempted to slink away into the shadows. However, Husky’s keen warrior instincts were unerring; he caught the prisoner before he could escape. With firm resolve, Husky secured the bonds tighter, ensuring there would be no more attempts at flight. Lone Wolf, ever vigilant, stayed awake the rest of the night, his eyes glinting in the dark as he watched over the captive.

The night grew longer, and the air grew heavy. Suddenly, a storm broke with ferocity, drenching the land in a torrent of rain. The downpour continued unabated until dawn, turning the world into a muddy mire. When morning finally arrived, the Village Chief approached the adventurers with grave news.

The storm has caused severe flooding,” he said, his voice somber. “The path to the forest is impassable. However, we have a dire need that only you can fulfill. There is a haunted mansion on the outskirts of our village, and within it lie two pieces of a powerful relic. We need you to retrieve these pieces. In return, I offer five gold pieces.

The adventurers agreed, entrusting the village guards with the prisoner. Armed with a relic detector provided by the chief, Husky, Lone Wolf, Draco, and King set out for the mansion. The structure loomed ominously against the grey sky, its silhouette twisted and foreboding.

As they entered, a chilling sensation enveloped them, a clear sign of the mansion’s otherworldly presence. The air was thick with the whispers of long-lost souls, and every shadow seemed to dance with malice. They moved cautiously, checking for traps and advancing room by room.

King held the detector, its glow guiding them through the eerie halls. Suddenly, a raging zombie lunged at them, but King swiftly subdued it with his dark energy, bending the creature to his will. As they continued, Husky stumbled upon a hidden trap door, which triggered and struck him on the head, but he managed to shrug off the blow with a grunt.

Draco encountered a giant spider, dispatching it with a well-placed bolt and harvesting poison worth a few copper pieces. Meanwhile, Lone Wolf scouted ahead, securing provisions to sustain them through their quest.

The deeper they ventured, the colder it became. Frost clung to the walls, and their breath fogged in the icy air. Yet, King remained undeterred. With the detector’s guidance, he located both pieces of the relic, their mystical aura pulsating with latent power.

With the relic pieces secured, the adventurers made their way back to the village, the haunted mansion’s oppressive weight lifting from their shoulders as they emerged into the daylight. The Village Chief awaited them, relief evident on his face as he handed over their promised reward.

Thank you, brave adventurers,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude. “You have not only saved our village from further peril but also restored hope to our hearts.”

The adventurers pocketed their gold, their minds already turning to the next challenge that awaited them. But for now, they would rest, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced together. The quest for Neel continued, but they knew that as long as they stood united, there was no force in the world — be it man, monster, or magic — that could stand against them.



praveen kumar a.x.

1's and 0's most effective language ever. Proud Coder, Geek, Writer, GameDev