P_X15: Episode 4: Battle Royale

praveen kumar a.x.
7 min readJan 18, 2019

Protocol X15 Campaign:

Adventurers BIO:
Kaylee [Pops] — Engineer — Human Female — Level 4
Falcon [Vengatesh] — Heavy Gunner — Human Male — Level 3
Zuran [Aaquib] — Smuggler — Human Male — Level 2
Cannaro [Dikshith] — TechWiz — Human Male [Pirate] — Level 1
Jayene [Varun] — Marine — Human Female — Level 3

Faction Power Status:
IGF — 100 [Pirate base Captured]
Terraformers -100
Legion — 120

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Episode 4: Battle Royale

Brett invites Kaylee to talk about Dr. Brigman. He asks others to explore the base.

As Brett flirts with Kaylee, she tries to extract information from him. “So why are you searching for that Dr.?” asked Brett.

“Unfortunately I can’t reveal that information”, Kaylee replied, “we need to find quickly”

“You see, people who want to go into hiding come to us. Sometimes we help, other times we can’t. This fellow Brigman, offered us a lot of money to us in return he wanted to hide. He seemed to be running from someone.”

“Did he say who was he running from?”, asked Kaylee. “Sorry I don’t know that”, said Brett.

“I had an agent who helped me with this sort of business. His name is Ode Trent. Give me 3 days time, I will track him down”, he said and winked at her.

Kaylee awkwardly slipped away from him. She asked for a way to the nearest scrapyard. There she spent hours looking for useful items, to patch the ship. Her main concern was to take care of the ship Amora.

Meanwhile, Falcon and Cannaro visited the Forge, where they could buy weapons & armor. Falcon buys himself a rocket launcher for a fair price.

That is when the shopkeeper informs them about a Fight pit nearby and there is going to be a Battle Royale style fighting tonight. The rules are simple, the fights are not supposed to fight with any weapons. They can use any other means of fighting.

Cannaro was a bit hesitant, but Falcon signed up immediately. He wanted to have a go at the fighting pit. Cannaro also joined.

They headed to the Fight pit. They sat in the audience to watch the current fight. They found Kaylee and Zuran also watching the fight.

There were 3 men who were surrounding a woman and they were all kicking in unison. She was crying out in pain.

With a loud shriek, she exhibited a powerful Psychic push, which sent all the men flying. “Jayene”, shouted the crowd. Her shirt had already been torn in the fight.

She went to one of the slumped guys and quickly took his shirt. The other two lunged for her again. She ducked and hit one of her assailants in the face.

The Crowd was cheering on like crazy. She went down on one of their kicks, but she managed to send one of Psychic push, which

amplified her kick sending the man flying.

The last fellow looked a bit distraught. He feared this woman now. “Freak! Monster”, some people were shouting and booing at her.

A sharpie came flying from somewhere, the assailant managed to catch it and he pounced towards her.

He was waving the weapon at her and inflicted some minor damage. She kicked him senseless and let his unconscious body drop to the floor.

The crowd cheered and the announcer invited the participants for the next battle royale. Jayene wanted one more bout and joined the group.

“Have a clean fight, this fight is awarded by how many people you manage to knock out. So all you guys go fight!”

The door to the circular sand-filled arena opened. Jayene winked at Cannaro. She wanted to fight alongside him at least at the beginning of the fight.

She signaled the other two fighters to team up. But they decide to target Jayene.

Jayene quickly deflected and dodged their attacks. Cannaro made use of the distraction and did a summon. He was able to conjure a

tiny baseball sized Dragon out of his nanobots.

The tiny dragon flew straight towards the men and breathed a high-temperature fire stream. It even shocked Cannaro to see how much the dragon could inflict damage to his enemies.

In another corner, Falcon battled other fighters. He quickly overpowered two fighters and headed towards the center of the arena, where Jayene was fighting.

Cannaro summoned another creature. This time it was an African Wild Elephant like creature, which was like bigger than a baseball, formed out of thin air and started running towards Jayene.

Jayene caught the dragon flying above and in a single motion threw the dragon at Falcon. Like a tennis ball, the tiny dragon whizzed towards Falcon. He ducked and the dragon missed him by inches.

As a battle of punches was going on between Jayene and Falcon, Cannaro commanded his dragon to breathe fire at the two people fighting.

The Dragon for some reason refused him. Maybe it was very angry. He also tried to summon another dreadful creature, but the summoning failed.

Just as Jayene finished off Falcon, the Dragon breathed a spinning tower of flame around Jayene. Jayene used her Psychic attack to neutralize the fire funnel.

Jayene ran up to Cannaro and started throwing punches at him which he dodged and escaped.

The battle came to a close soon after the dragon launched a massive fire attack on Jayene. The crowd went wild just as Jayene hit the floor.

As the crowd was chanting “Champion! Champion!”, Zuran came to the ground to give a hand to Jayene.

After the crowds had dispersed, the announcer shared the prize pool with the fighters. Falcon and Jayene won 500 credits, meanwhile being the winner Cannaro gets 750 credits.

As Zuran and Kaylee are haggling for good prices to the Forge shopkeeper, Jayene also started browsing the weapons for sale. She decided it was best to get a light armor. Zuran being already taken in by Jayene’s raw beauty convinces the shopkeeper that she is part of his crew and gets her armour for free.

Jayene joins the crew of Amora. The others viewed her with discontent at the fact that she was a psychic.

As the crew practice and train their skills, three days roll by. On the morning of the 3rd day, the crew wakes up at the sounds on the street.

People were screaming and dancing in the first drizzles. The crew watched in amazement in the rain. It was Cannaro who informed the group, that today the people of Pirate celebrated the Rain of Hope festival.

Many years back, when things were very very bad and pirates had almost no future, due to a plumbing mistake, the old Battleship’s sprinklers started. Causing the rain like occurrence, which had given everyone a momentous joy and hope. Ever since that day, the Rain festival occurred and this time the rain was not a mistake but a grand event.

As the celebrations are going on, the crew hear two distinct gunshots. It was made by means of a powerful gun. Following this, Brett comes to meet the crew in a hurry.

He informed them that there was an assassination of a council member that presides Pirate Haven. He viewed them in suspicion, though he counted and found all members including 2Pac were there.

“Regarding Ode Trent, I found him at an Estellan Colony. Here are the map directions and guys be very careful when you are there”

Kaylee visibly terrified at his warning asked, “Do you know anyone down there, who can help us?”

“No. I haven’t had the slightest idea who controls the colony now. But I would ask you, people, to enter the colony on foot. Your mirrors will not be of much use”, he added and waved them goodbye.


The pilot punched the coordinate and Amora’s crew find themselves near the Estellon Planet.

It was a planet with a rich green cover. For those who don’t know, almost 20% of food entering the market is cultivated at this relatively newfound planet.

Many moons orbit the planet. One in specific was huge. It almost felt like a dwarf planet.

The pilot takes the ship down to Estellan’s farming colony.

As not many people entering the colony, the guards looked at the landed crew.

“Who are you and why are you here? Show me your Identification cards”, the guards barked. They were all wearing a Brown and Blue attire, symbolizing the colors of Terraformers.

As Zuran was passing the guards, he tries to bribe them, but they find that money totally insignificant.

The crew finds them facing a small town with a Temple like building and a staging area where people are tied to metallic poles.

Jayene takes her chance and sneaks into the Temple. When Cannaro tries to sneak in as well, the guard stops him and starts questioning him. Falcon comes to his rescue.

Using this as a distraction, Jayene makes contact with a mysterious person who promises to take her to Trent, if they can help the rebels.

It seems there was a rebellion brewing in Estallen. Trent is leading the rebels to fight the action of the Terraformers and their bullying mercenaries.

Jayene makes contact with Trent, who agrees to disclose the information of Dr.Brigman’s current location in exchange for helping the rebels hijack a cargo vessel from the Guards Dockyard.

Jayene reluctantly agrees. The group attack the guard’s dockyard. The attack was brutally swift. It was over soon thanks to the Human-sized dragon summoned by Cannaro.

As the last door holding the crew away from the target ship, is blown open by Cannaro’s Dragon, Trent ran inside the cargo ship.

Other members follow suit.

[Scenario Ends]

Kaylee [Pops] — Badges[Salvager, Flirt, Detective]
Zuran [Aaquib] — Badges[Flirt, Audience, Ogler]
Cannaro [Dikshith] — Badges[Arena Champion, Tragic Summoner, Bad Roller]
Jayene [Varun] — Badges[Psychic, Bad-Ass, Sneaky]
Falcon [Vengatesh] — Badges[Brawler, Companion, Gunner]



praveen kumar a.x.

1's and 0's most effective language ever. Proud Coder, Geek, Writer, GameDev